Thursday, February 14, 2019

Happy Valentine's Day - Outkast [VIDEO]

Happy Valentine's Day to all our of dope Klassic Joints radio listeners.

Listen to another Klassic Joint with Outkast's "Valentine's Day" song for February 14th below:

New Sex Tape Allegedly Surfaces of R. Kelly And An Underage Girl

A new video allegedly involving R. Kelly and an underage girl has surfaced. 
According to CNN, the man who submitted the tape claims to have worked for and known R. Kelly and the girl. 
The young girl refers to him as "daddy" and both refer to the girl's body as "14-year-old p*ssy."
In the 42-minute video, the man allegedly also asks for permission before urinating on her.
CNN says the tape is "clear and explicit."

Dame Dash Apologizes To Jay Z, Jim Jones, Kareem "Biggs" Burke

After nearly 15 years, Dame Dash apologized publicly to Jay Z.
In the video, Dame told Jay, "So JAY-Z if I've offended you, I apologize. Lyor Cohen if I offended you I apologize. Steve Stoute if I offended you I apologize. [...] It's cool, I'm not angry no more." 

In another video he says "You know, I called Jim Jones today, and I miss him. I don’t know if y’all know but I miss him. As a brother, I love his family. I want him to be happy. And Jay, you know, the friendship we had was cool, man. I just miss it. But whatever you doing you doing I’m cool with it bro. I’m sorry man, I wasn’t myself for a second, Aaliyah had me f***ed up. And Biggs I’m sorry bro, if I offended you, whatever you doing I’m with it, I love you man. I know you’re mad at me but whatever, I can admit it."

