Friday, June 7, 2024

Clean Break: Howard U. Revokes Combs' Degree, Disbands Scholarship, Returns $1 Million

Photo Credit: Facebook/Diddy
In a decisive move, the Howard University Board of Trustees unanimously voted to accept the return of Sean Combs' honorary degree awarded in 2014. This action effectively revokes all associated honors and removes his name from the university's listing of honorary degree recipients.

A statement released by a Howard University spokesperson following a board meeting on Friday cited "behavior, as captured in a recently released video," as fundamentally incompatible with the university's core values. The statement did not specify the nature of the video but emphasized the university's unwavering opposition to interpersonal violence.
Combs, also known as Diddy, reportedly faced recent allegations and a lawsuit concerning assault. These developments likely influenced the board's decision.

The university's actions extend beyond the honorary degree. The board also directed the administration to terminate a 2016 gift agreement with Combs, disband the scholarship program established in his name, and return his $1 million contribution.

An additional $1 million pledge agreement from the Sean Combs Foundation in 2023 was also terminated as no payments towards it had been received.

The Howard University Board of Trustees and administration declined further comment on the matter.

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